Johnny Iuzzini
Johnny’s been a client and a friend for a few years now since I did the logo for his company “Sugar Fueled Inc.“. So recently he came to me and told me he was working on a bean-to-bar chocolate line that he was very excited about. It has been a lifelong dream of his – chocolate factory ‘n all. So since Johnny’s brand is himself, we initially worked on some icon ideas that could be applied to any of his products and ventures as well as the chocolate bars themselves. I started with using the “J” and “I” of his signature. Unfortunately because his signature is quite stylized, when isolating just the “J” and “I” it wasn’t as legible as we would like. So as a last ditch effort, I drew inspiration from the logo I did for “Sugar Fueled” thus tying together his brand and his company. Thankfully we kept trying because in the end we got a great icon/logo that he and i both love that we can use on just about anything of his.